Monday, March 12, 2012

Quality, Not Quantity

Assalamualaikum!!hello everyone!!

how are you??its been more than a month since the last time I updated my blog....I'm pretty lazy...haha...lately I've been thinking about my SPM result which will be released on march really stressed me up.....

every SPM candidates wants to get straight A's in their SPM.....but do it really matter actually??well lets look at different point of enter college or university or simply you want to get a scholarship, SPM result is really important.....without good result, you might as well cant continue with your study.....this is a problem....

but I want to ask it straight A's you are looking for or the knowledge??I'm asking this to myself a lot of time.....which is more important??quality or quantity of the A's??

to me, quality of the A's is more important....what's the purpose of getting a lot of A's but you didn't even apply what you have learnt??its not that i'm asking you to get bad result....i'm asking you to change the way you think about education....all this time you thought that learning is simply to get all A's in exam....its not true....change your perspective towards education.....

i'm not saying all of you are like that.....but you cant blame anyone on this....this is the matter of the education system itself....but you can choose yourself, what are the purposes of it only to get job or money??or to get knowledge??it's up to you to decide....

i think this picture is so true!!remember this four aspects to get an A!!...Insyaallah...all the best everyone!!peace!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Assalamualaikum and what's up everyone!!

Its been a while since the last time I updated my blog....hmmmm....sejak dua menjak kebelakangan ni, aku rasa agak stress dek kerana pelbagai sebab yang aku pun tak tau macam mana nak jelaskan....

first...aku paling stress bila tengok rooney sumbat goal....kedua...aku stress bila kena study benda yang kena hafal macam sejarah....ketiga....aku stress bila orang kata "I'm bored" atau "bosannya!!".....keempat...aku sangat stress bila orang post benda-benda yang mengarut di Pesbuk (facebook)....kelima....okay tak ada dah.....

sejenak aku memikirkan bagaimana nak menghilangkan stress....termenung sana termenung sini....akhirnya aku jumpa jugak!!

cara aku....berpura-pura menyukai stress tu....bunyi macam mengarut kan??tapi apa salahnya kalau mencuba....contohnya aku sangat stress bila tengok muka rooney....jadi aku berpura-pura dengan berkata "OMG!!bagus la rooney ni main....dah la handsome, terer pula tu....memang lengkap la pakej kau"....aku rasa stress aku berkurangan kalau buat macam ni....serius!!buat macam ni lebih baik dari mengutuk tak tentu pasal.....kan rooney??
                             ......rooney versi awan nano......

dalam pelajaran pun boleh dipraktikkan juga wahai saudara-saudari sekalian....aku sangat stress bila baca sejarah.....tapi aku akan berkata "wahai sejarah...kau lah  'favourite' subjek ku.....kau sangat prihatin tentang apa yang berlaku...jangan tinggalkan daku duhai sejarah tercinta...."(over gila aku..macam tulis surat cinta pula) haaaa kan lebih awesome macam ni....tak payah la nak merungut sejarah susah....buang masa je....tetap kena belajar jugak.....

sesiapa yang tengah stress boleh la cuba-cuba teknik ni.....kalau membantu Alhamdulillah...kalau tak sorry la bro....kena tanya fadhilah kamsah la nampak gayanya....Peace!! :D

Monday, January 30, 2012

Simply Genius

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!!

today I found a very interesting photo in facebook to share with you guys...but before that aku nak tanya something...macam mana korang label seseorang tu bijak??adakah dapat markah 100% dalam exam??atau boleh berfikir secara kreatis dan inovatif??ataupun yang mampu berfikir di saat-saat genting??tu terserah la kepada korang semua...

hari ni aku nak share satu benda dengan korang....hmmmm...apa pendapat korang??

see??this is what I call simply genius!! I like the way this student thinks...he thinks out of the box....walaupun dapat 0% dalam exam but seriously student ni memang awesome.....

kenapa pulak awesome??kalau macam tu apa guna belajar??jawab macam ni je la dalam periksa....bukan tu yang aku nak ketengahkan....bukan maksudnya korang kena contohi dia...tapi apa yang aku nak voice out is that the way  of thinking....the way this student uses his mind....the way he create something from nothing....walaupun jawapan dia memang confirm salah...but it makes sense though....

jangan pulak terus tutup buku lepas ni....belajar tetap belajar....but its better if you apply what you have learned.....make something yang memang awesome from the knowledge yang korang ada.... think the other way and out of the box....jangan cuma belajar membabi buta hafal sana hafal sini tapi tak faham apa yang kita belajar macam si Chatur dalam 3 Idiots tu....mesti pernah tengok kan??belajar macam si Rancho to learn new things....and apply least you get something from apa yang korang dah belajar...

of course maybe susah sikit mula-mula...but you will get used to it eventually kalau dipraktikkan setiap masa.....try it first!! Insyaallah you can do it!! :D

"to suceed you have to stop being ordinary and be legend-wait for it-dary!!"

kata-kata seorang yang agak jangan lupa renung-renungkan apa yang aku hujah kat dalam post ni....kalau ada idea lain jangan segan-segan dan malu-malu kucing untuk share di comments okay....Peace!!

(p/s:I bet this student's IQ is high...)

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Imaginary Girlfriend

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!!how was your day??

hari ni aku berhajat nak ber-story tentang "My Imaginary Girlfriend"....but before that....nak tanya semua mesti pernah imagine korang punya "future partner" kan??mesti imagine partner yang hot, kaya, cantik dan semua yang sama erti dengannya....

before I start my story I want to ask you something...ape guna nak imagine ni sebenarnya??perlu ke kita imagine??well ask our genius friend Einstein....he says so...right Einstein??

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited"

there you go....apa maksudnya tu??it means that imaginary is unlimited....but knowledge is limited....imagination is very important to everyone...don't stop imagining things...but remember...imagine pun ada jugak batasnya....ber-imaginasi lah bersandarkan Al-Quran dan Hadis supaya kita tak melencong ke arah lain....faham kan maksud aku??so belajar lah adab berfikir dengan betul....

and don't get the wrong doesn't mean that knowledge is not important...but imaginary actually creates knowledge....for instance....long ago human always ask themselves, "can we fly??"so they imagined how to to build a flying vehicle...thanks to the Wright Brothers we can now fly using an airplane....they invented the airplane in think they don't imagine how to build an airplane??of course they have to imagine it first before they invent it....

that's the whole point of imagination....imagination is what drives human towards what they want....and from imagination we discover and invent new things...of course this is only my opinion...apart from that you can imagine other things as well...hope you understand it well...

so what are you waiting for??start imagine now!!

wait!!hold on!!what happened to my story??ok jom i have one imaginary girlfriend....i imagined living with her happily ever after...well her name is....ummm...wait till i'm married....Peace!! :D

5 Tips Budak Genius

Assalamualaikum and hello!!

so for my second post in my blog, I have decided to share 5 tips to achieve your dream....

first, what is your DREAM?ape yg korang nak dalam hidup korang?To me, you should do whatever you want and dream as long as it does not go against the law and dream aku ialah untuk menjadi seorang inventor...inventor apa tu ye?ala macam thomas edison tu....kenal kan?dialah pencipta mentol kat rumah korang tu....aku selitkan sekeping gambarnye...hensem tak kawan-kawan??
okay x let's continue with our topic...remember dream big, win big!!

second is aim and plan your korang kena la ada goal nak achieve sampai mana...contohnya korang nak bukak bisnes burger...tu dah satu cita-cita...pastu tak kan korang nak stay jual burger tepi jalan selamanya?mesti tak kan....mesti la korang nak bukak company burger terbesar kat Malaysia macam Ramlee burger tu...this is what i meant by aiming and planning your korang nak capai tahap mana tu yang doesn't matter if you don't achieve your is setting your goal...that's what important...

third is EFFORT...ape tu effort??effort ni sangat penting sebab tanpa usaha apa pon tak betoi ka??ade org tak belajar pun boleh dapat straight A's ape....let me correct this statement...orang yang bijak adalah orang yang belajarnya sentiasa constant....dia tak study last minute until late night....semua benda yang dia belajar dah termaktub dalam kepala dia....sebab tu korang nampak dia relax je sehari sebelum periksa....its because he/she had prepared earlier...jap...macam lari dari topik je...ok sambung pasal effort...korang mestilah put your best effort to achieve your dream after setting your goal...sedikit2 lama2 jadi bukit!!

fourth is PRAY....pray ni lebih kurang macam believe la...yg penting berdoa dan bertawakal kepada Yang Maha Pencipta....manusia hanya mampu berusaha dan merancang, Allah yang menentukan segala-galanya....ingat lah bahawasa nya kita ini hanya insan yang lemah....Dia lebih Mengetahui....

fifth is RECEIVE....apabila korang telah melakukan apa yang disarankan di atas Insyallah your dreams will come true....sekian tips-tips dari aku untuk mencapai cita-cita korang....ini hanyalah karangan daripada seorang insan yang bernama....emmm...just call me budak genius...walaupun tak berapa genius....adakah ini membantu??kalau membantu Alhamdulillah....kalau tak macam mane??search lah google ye...atau rajin-rajin lah bertanya kepada yang arif.....seperti aku...ceh wah!!no serious do leave your comments....maybe i can help...

so second post of the blog dah pun siap....mungkin agak panjang tapi takpe...bila nak keluar yang seterusnya??bila terbit idea baru dalam otak genius aku ni la....genius la sangat...nantikan episod seterusnya dalam tempat dan address  yg sama dalam blog Diary Of Budak Genius.....Peace!!

Alkisah Seorang Budak

Hi everyone!How are you??ehemm...(tak payah nak speaking sangat lah kan...)
Assalamualaikum...dan salam perkenalan... :D

so first thing I want to say is that aku ni bukan lah "budak genius" yg IQ-nye >200 pun...aku harap korang faham dengan maksud ">"...almaklumlah dah terbiasa dengan bahasa sains (ceh poyo je)..."budak genius" tu hanyalah nama samaran sahaja...idea "budak genius" tu datang selepas aku memerah keringat selama hampir 30 minit memikirkan nama yang sesuai untuk blog ni...ceh mamak tepi rumah aku boleh cari nama lgi best laaa....anyway this is my story!!

I was born on July 10,1994 di Kuala Lumpur....sapa orang KL hands up!!cayalah orang KL!!age??pandai2 la kira ye....aku memulakan journey dalam hidupku berbekalkan iman dan islam yang telah ditanam oleh parents I started my school at 7....bla..bla...bla...ambik upsr...bla...bla...masuk secondary school....bla...bla...ambik pmr and dapat 8A woo!!genius tak aku??haha...pastu msuk mrsm pengkalan chepa...then ambik spm....then bla bla bla...sekarang dekat INTI international university...fuhh letih!!basah bajuku dihujani peluh bercerita tentang diriku....itu lah suka-suki kehidupan seorang budak genius....The End...

eh tu je ke??haaaa...actually the reason i created this blog was not about to share dengan korang semua perjalanan hidup aku.....tema blog aku ialah sharing is caring....ex pembimbing rakan sebaya mestilah caring kan...just kidding....actually the theme of this blog is aku nak share out something to public and at the same time aku relate benda tu dengan life aku or other tak de la aku syok sendiri dengan idea2 dalam otak aku ni.....I want to share what I think with everyone...sekian sahaja introduction aku....Peace!!

(p/s : credit to my lecturer Dr. Lim Ho Peng who actually encourage all of his students to write a diary...instead of writing diary, I created a blog...Peace!!)